Thursday, February 26, 2015

Slut Bardancer v3 mesh

*Belle's* slut bardancer v3 mesh on Beer or Champagne Bottle

 The Box Beer Contains:
 slut bardancer 3 v.2
 slut bardancer 3 v.2 w.Security
 and my Store LM

 The Box Champagne Contains:
 slut bardancer 3 v.1
 slut bardancer 3 v.1 w.Security
 and my Store LM

 slut bardancer 3
 2 prim, 7 Dances, sequence menu, Adjust

Sequence: for set a new sequence time open content and script: "Animation sequence" , in this script you find the line with the time settings.

Adjust: click the adjust button and set your position for your shape.

slut bardancer 3 w.Security
  2 prim, 7 Dances, sequence menu, Adjust, Security

Sequence: for set a new sequence time open content and script: "Animation sequence" , in this script you find the line with the time settings.

Adjust: click the adjust button and set your position for your shape.

Security: the owner can change the security level. Security cycles between ALL, GROUP ONLY, and OWNER ONLY. Avatars who do not meet the security level will be able to sit, but not access the menu.

Low Lag AvSitter Scripts

If you have a question or problem with my Items, than please send me a notecard with your Name, Product-Name, Sell-Date and/or full transaction history from sale and what happened with the item. This will help me to help you better and faster.

Thank you and enjoy,
BelleJour Shinn
*Belle's B.o.L.D.*
Belle's Breath of Lust Design and Belle's Back-Door Shop.


Market Champagne:
Market Beer: